Different Types of Advertising on LinkedIn

Different Types of Advertising on LinkedIn

LinkedIn offers many types of ads. Some of these include messages, Carousel ads, Sponsored InMail, and Single image ads. data entry jobs of them comes with its own distinct features. Read on to find out more. You can also promote your event or product by using a conversational ad. Learn more about LinkedIn conversation ads.

Advertisement messages

LinkedIn message ads are an excellent method of engaging prospects. The messaging platform has double impact. Your message will be seen in both your LinkedIn inbox and your email inbox. This means that more people will be able to see your message and are more likely to reply to it. It is crucial to follow the best practices when using LinkedIn message ads.

Carousel ads

LinkedIn Carousel ads can be used to advertise your LinkedIn ads. They showcase the image of a business and promote its products or services. They can be made to fit different types of audiences. You can select to display only certain images to specific audiences or all images.

Sponsored InMail

LinkedIn Sponsored InMail is a powerful tool to reach out to prospects outside of their email inboxes. Instead of asking recipients to provide an email address, the message is delivered directly to their LinkedIn inbox. This allows you to send a targeted message , without needing to ask recipients for their email addresses.

Ads with only one image

You can choose from a range of single-image ads if you wish to advertise on LinkedIn. These ads come with a resolution of 1080×1080 pixels, and a 1:1 aspect ratio. They can accommodate up to 10 cards and can be displayed on desktops as well as mobile. You can set up these ads through the Campaign Manager. Different single-image ads may be different in their campaign goals and you can decide to showcase one product in your ad , or showcase a variety of products.

Targeting by job title

LinkedIn is a great tool for finding your ideal customers by targeting them by job title. It’s easy to do however, it’s not always effective. Combining your targeting options will help you get better results. This means you can target people based on their job function and level of seniority. This will increase your chances to find leads with high-quality and boost your conversions.

Insight Tag

A LinkedIn Insight tag is a piece code that allows marketers to track conversions, website visitors, and demographics. Similar to the Google Tracking Pixel, it also assists marketers in understanding how their ads are working. This information can be used to refine your campaigns and improve their effectiveness.